Settingan Defaul Desktop Wallpaper
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Desktop --> Active Desktop --> Active Desktop Wallpaper --> enable →
wallpaper name: C:\windows\tanjiro2.bmp
wallpaper style: stretch
Settingan Defaul Desktop Screen Saver ON
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → Control Panel → Display → Screen Saver → Enable
Settingan Defaul Desktop Screen Saver
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → Control Panel → Display → Screen Saver executable name → enable →
screen saver executable name C:\windows\tanjiro2.src
Settingan Defaul Desktop Screen Saver Centang On Resume Password
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → Control Panel → Display → Password Protect The Screen Saver → Enable
Settingan Defaul Desktop Screen Saver Time Out
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → Control Panel → Display → Screen Saver Time Out → enable →
secons: 600
Settingan Defaul Thema Classic
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → Control Panel → Display → Desktop Thema → load a specific visual style file or force windows clasic → enable →
path to visual style: di kosongkan
menambah log off di start menu
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → start menu and taskbar → add logoff to the start menu → enable
Defaul menu Classic Di Start Menu TaskBar
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → start menu and taskbar → force classic start menu → enable
Remove Ballon Tips Di Start Menu
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → start menu and taskbar → remove balloon tips on start menu item → enable
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → system → don't display the getting started welcome screen at logon → enable
Mematikan Autoplay Driver
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → system → turn off autoplay → enable all driver
Matikan Update Automatic
Local Computer Policy --> User Configuration --> Administrative Templates → system → windows automatic update → disable
Mematikan Autoplay Driver
Local Computer Policy --> Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates → system → turn off autoplay → enable all driver
QoS Packet Schedulle
Local Computer Policy --> Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates → network→ QoS packet scheduler → limit reservable bandwidth → enable 0%
Membuat Pesan Peringgatan Pada Saat Log On
Local Computer Policy --> Computer Configuration --> windows setting → security setting → local police → security option → interactive logon: message title for users attempting to logon
“Peringatan !!! Hanya untuk pengguna yang berhak”
Membuat Isi Pesan Peringgatan Pada Saat Log On
Local Computer Policy --> Computer Configuration --> windows setting → security setting → local police → security option → interactive logon: message text for users attempting to logon
Peringatan !!!
Perangkat ini adalah fasilitas kerja dari PT. .............
Dalam penggunaannya anda wajib untuk bertanggungjawab dan tidak diperkenankan untuk menggunakan aplikasi yang tidak legal serta tunduk pada peraturan yang berlaku.
Mengaktifkan CTRL+ALT+DEL Pada Saat LogOn
Local Computer Policy --> Computer Configuration --> windows setting → security setting → local police → security option → interactive logon:do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL → disable
Mengosongkan Nama LogIn Pada Saat LogOn
Local Computer Policy --> Computer Configuration --> windows setting → security setting → local police → security option → interactive logon:do not display last user name → enable
Selamat Mencoba...
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